NCTC Projects
Measure M
Measure M, the Los Angeles County Traffic Improvement Plan, was overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2016. The sales tax initiative generates $860 million a year for major projects over the next 40 years, including expansion of rail and rapid transit, street paving and improved convenience and affordability of public transportation for seniors and the disabled. In North L.A. County, the initiative returned more than $22 million to the four member jurisdictions of NCTC, and more than $5 million for Antelope Valley Transit and Santa Clarita Transit. The local return for the North County will be about $1.4 billion over the next 40 years.
Metro Measure M Annual Update (April 2020)
Below are the Measure M project lists for NCTC and each of the four member jurisdictions.
Metro State Grant Funding Request (with local match)
NCTC and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) collaborate on local highway projects and improvements in the region. Click below to see the current map for projects on State Route 14 and State Route 138 in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties.
High-Speed Rail
California’s high-speed rail project will connect communities between the Los Angeles basin and San Francisco. Capable of traveling more than 200 miles per hour, the train will make the journey is less than three hours.
North Los Angeles County will benefit greatly from the project, which is supported by NCTC.
A transportation center in the City of Palmdale will be part of the Bakersfield-to-Palmdale project section, an 80-mile corridor that runs through or near the cities of Edison, Tehachapi, Rosamond, Lancaster and Palmdale. The section from Palmdale-to-Burbank will connect the Antelope Valley to the Los Angeles Basin.